Tech Competencies For Librarians

Edit: This like was updated to direct to the open preprint.

Over a year ago, I responded to a call for proposals to the Journal of Academic Librarianship. I was just a few months into my new job and fresh out of library school. I was pretty sure I would get rejected, but I thought it would be good practice.  I submitted a pretty barren proposal for an article on developing competency in tech as a library school student. I was surprised when they replied with a counter-proposal for an article building on Ray Laura Henry’s article The Core and More: Improving on Baseline Technology Competencies.

I went through a more than a few drafts, some periods of writer’s block, and several bouts with impostor syndrome. It is now about 10 months since I submitted my final draft, and it is published. It’s free to view for about 46 more days (it expires Aug 9). I’m pondering where to publish the preprint, but for now, it is openly accessible in final form.

Cas Laskowski, Reaching the Baseline: A Professional’s Perspective on Technological Competencies for Library Students, 44 J. Academic Librarianship 541 (2018).